Podcast | Telangana's High Positivity Rate Is Worrying, What's the Government Doing? | COVID-19 News

2021-06-03 8

India added over 35,000 cases today. The total caseload now stands at over 10 lakh. But how are individual states faring their response to this pandemic?

Many news reports in the last two months have highlighted the poor governance of the KCR government in the state.

Yesterday, a video did rounds on social media which showed a government COVID hospital inundated with rainwater in Hyderabad. After this, the opposition party congress attacked the KCR government in a tweet.

Telangana also has the highest positivity rate of the infection in the country. High positivity rate is usually indicative of high infection within a community and low testing. In fact, Telangana does have the second-lowest testing in the country.

Reportedly on June 26, the Telangana government also stopped testing people citing capacity constraints but testing has resumed. The government has also been accused of not sharing information on the containment zones in the state.

The Wire's Amrit describes the situation on the ground to Pawanjot Kaur in this podcast on Telangana government’s response to the pandemic.

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